don’t hate the toosday

Ok.  So it’s been a long week and half for me, what with my work situation being so cray cray crazy, and I haven’t cooked much of anything, because by the time I got home, I felt like a limp dishrag and all I wanted to do was curl up into my bed and sleep (which we all know from my previous post, seemed to elude me).

Tonight, I decided that I was going to make myself a nice little dinner to enjoy while reading more of my book (or watching my DVR’d episode of The Bachelorette … :)).  I decided that my craving for salmon was too overpowering to deny it, so I hit up the grocery store on my way home.

As I’ve never actually gone to a deli counter or butcher counter and gotten food for only one person, I was completely taken aback by the disdain of the grocery store clerk who managed to pull himself away from his highly trafficked deli counter area to assist lonely little me standing forlornly in front of the seafood display, looking around helplessly (or, as we restaurant folk sometimes say, rubber-necking).  Listen, I tried to look nonchalant, but when he clearly saw I was waiting and not just perusing, and after he’d assisted his only customer with everything the man could possibly need, was it necessary to make me feel as though he was doing me some huge favor of God to come put a salmon filet in a bag and slap a sticker on it?  Seriously.

Whew.  I know, I know, I should be trying to be a better person, and not dwell on the negative or that which I have no control over.  But I went in there with a smile; I asked politely.  I cannot imagine that it was a huge inconvenience to him to walk another ten feet to a different counter, but I may be wrong.  He could have a seafood phobia, a fish allergy, a general dislike of anything that breaths with gills.  I don’t know these things.  I can only hypothesize.

Either way, I am now in possession of a beautiful little piece of salmon that I have every intention of enjoying as soon as it’s done cooking.  Bon appetite to everyone out there, cooking for one!


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