Sunday, July 24th, 2011

now browsing by day


mr. sandman

I woke up this morning feeling more rested than I have in quite some time.  It’s been a long week for me folks, and while the majority of the things going on are good, I have gotten significantly less sleep than I would have liked. 

I am not the kind of person who can be peppy in the morning following three hasty hours of sleep.  I am not doing jumping jacks with a wide grin while sipping coffee (I can’t actually drink coffee, which may be the problem). 

I need sleep.  Like, minimum seven solid hours of zzzzz’s.  And last night, for the first time since last Sunday, I accomplished the mission.  For everyone who has to deal with me on a regular basis, you may now heave a huge sigh of relief! 

Why have I not been sleeping, you ask?  I’m not sure, say I.  But I believe it’s a combination of anxiety about work (in a very good way, which is awesome! but it’s anxiety nonetheless), having late night Skype conversations with the man (who is 2 hours behind East Coast time, and enjoying quite the social life down in the tropics) and restlessness of being alone in my house.

See, the thing is, a few years ago, I had a really traumatizing experience, and the sandman has been much more elusive ever since.  It’s one thing to have a strong, solid man lying next to you and sleep peaceably.  It’s quite another to be all alone, in a very old house with quirky noises, and already be slightly on edge from previous nights’ lack of sleep.

My solution?

Head on down to Mama Bear and Dad’s house.  Last night I had the great fortune of enjoying a delicious summer meal prepared by my Mama Bear and lovely Aunty, as well as the company of some of their lovely friends. 

And yes, I forgot to take pictures.  I may have implied this previously, but I’ve been a tad bit on the sleepy side recently.  I can tell you that we had crabmeat on delicate leaves of perfect green lettuce, avocado salad, fresh tomatoes and tiny fresh mozzarella balls, and mango salsa.  I loaded it all on my plate, and savoured every little bite.

Following dinner, we enjoyed dessert, which included raspberries (need I say more?) and then an after dinner drink on the patio.  FYI, it was 95 degrees at 10pm.  No joke.

Finally, I retired to my room, and fell into blissful slumber (only interrupted by a good night call from the man which was short and sweet).  Ah, sleep.

I feel like a new woman!  I’m ready to take on the world … or the piles of work still sitting on my desk that needs to be done by tomorrow morning.  Either way, same difference, right?

Happy Sunday everyone ~ relax and stay cool!