Thursday, July 28th, 2011

now browsing by day


Be Fri/ St Ends

I guess the theme of this week in my life is friendship.

On Monday, I had dinner with a friend whom I hadn’t seen in 15 years.  It was fabulous.  We talked about school back in the day, we talked about college, we talked about life now.  We laughed.  A lot.  And you can’t ask for much more than that.  It was fabulous.

On Tuesday, an old neighbor stopped by, and over simply orgasmic banana chocolate chip muffins (hers are by far the best thing I’ve ever had) and glasses of milk, we caught up on life, talked about careers ~ remembered some fun times.  It was such a comforting thing, to sit in practically-pjs and just shoot the breeze.  I ate my salmon and corn & tomato salad (courtesy of my mama bear & aunt) and felt a-okay about life.

Yesterday I had a little dinner party, enjoying good conversation with my neighbors and Jeff (he who inhabited our apartment before we took residence).  Jeff and I sat under the trees late into the evening, sipping our wine and talking about life and cooking and food.  (It was Green Curry Redux, and I promise to put up my amendments, because it was, in my opinion, significantly improved).

Today subbed for WeHangsDay (J & J have a very active social calendar!) and we ate meals straight from my favorite food blog, Iowa Girl Eats.  I mean seriously, tell me one person who reads a recipe for Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries and doesn’t want to make them immediately?  Or a plum, pesto & fontina panini?  Sometimes, I think my blog should be called “What Iowa Girl Eats made yesterday that I totally had to have and it overruled any creativity on my part.”  But that’s on days when I’m a little sad, and a lot exhausted, and feel a little overwhelmed.  Days like today.

The nice thing about all these friends – and all this breaking of bread- is that I really hate it when the man is gone, and it’s been nice to have people to spend time with at the end of the day.  Because after a rough day, having someone to talk to is the best medicine.

All this makes me really appreciate my bestest friend, my wonderful man, and how no one quite understands me the way he does.  Here’s to hoping he’s home soon.