Friday, August 26th, 2011

now browsing by day


Hurricane Irene

As I sit tapping away on my computer keys, a debate is raging amongst my family regarding our best plan of attack for heading home. (Which is kind of a bummer, because it implies leaving early … and no one likes to leave vacation early.)

Irene is due to hit North Carolina and on up the East Coast, and it’s a tricky thing deciding what is the best time to pack it up and call it a day.

Luckily for Hilton Head, they aren’t due to get anything more than some rain and gusts of wind, but that doesn’t help us as we drive north on route 95, and potentially encounter rough weather in addition to all the people evacuated from the North Carolina coast.  The southern shore towns of NJ (including, I am told, Atlantic City) were issued a mandatory evacuation beginning this morning at 6am, so that’s a big indication that this storm is to be taken seriously.

In my opinion, Mother Nature should always be taken seriously.  She can be brutal when angry ~ and render untold damages.  Mostly, I’d like to get home safely, and know that all the people out there that I love are safe as well.

Of course, Irene could bounce back out to sea, and all of this drama could be for naught.  But again, it’s never a good idea to count on that when Mother Nature is involved.  She’s also quite unpredictable, and feisty.

So East Coasters, stay safe!  And Irene … don’t be mean.