Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

now browsing by day


i prefer granny smiths, but a macintosh will do

Whew!  It has been a crazy few days.

Actually, if I’m gonna own up to it, it’s been a crazy few weeks.  The truth of the matter is, I started this blog because I had an abundance of time that was referred to politely as ‘idle,’ but in reality was me being completely unproductive.  Currently, I have no free time, and spend from about 6am until 11pm going going going non-stop.  (On the plus side, I have the good camera back … not that I’ve put it to much use these past few days).

Have you ever heard the theory that the busier you are, the more efficiently you accomplish things?  I strongly believe in this.  When I’m forced into using time management skills, and prioritizing, a lot of things get done in a very orderly fashion.  When I have tons of time on my hands … a lot of movies get watched.  (I know, I know, I don’t even read books … I’m the most unproductive lazy person in the world!)

Right now, I’m sitting in my newest office, watching what appears to be the beginning of a hurricane brewing outside my window (I have a window!!) and thinking how very sad it is that my iPhone has been tricky since Thursday when it spontaneously decided to start monotonously vibrating and not respond to anything (a teenager fixed it, because really, isn’t that the way of electronics? There was a time when I was pretty handy with a Walkman … and now most people look a little lost and repeat back, “Walkman?” Pause. “Oh, yeah, that portable cassette tape player-thingy … wow, it’s been a long time since those were popular!”).  Because now it won’t even receive calls, and that means I have to walk over to the Apple store and wait the obligatory 45 minutes (because apparently Apple is busy every. day. all. day.) for them to tell me what’s wrong.  (I’m already composing my little prayer, which goes something like this:  “Dear iPhone and Apple Gods, please let whatever is wrong with my phone be easily fixable,  please do not require me to erase everything on my phone and try to reset it online because the last time I did that I crashed my phone and lost all my contacts and it was a disaster (pausing to catch breath) and please let my phone continue on its course toward a long and healthy life, because I deeply love everything about it … except this most recent episode.  Amen.”).

Anyway, back to the point.

I have become very efficient these last few weeks, because my work load went from manageable albeit somewhat tedious, to “I’m drowning in paperwork and the abundance of things I don’t know how to do and don’t have any help to get accomplished.” I will say I’m learning quite a lot, but I’m also working non-stop to try to get the business I now run back up on its (financial) feet, and it’s proving to be less like a hike up Mt. Kilimanjaro and more like extreme rock climbing in the Pyrenees.  Every day there is a new job duty, and every time I turn around I’m being volunteered to do more work.  I don’t mind much, because running a business certainly gives you a feeling of ownership and commitment that I didn’t have before ~ but boy oh boy is it a. time-consuming and b. hard effin work.

Tomorrow the man and I host WeHangsDay together for the first time in a month, and I have absolutely. no. idea. what. to. make. (No worries on vino though ~ the wine rack is fully stocked!).

But I can promise you this.  I won’t repeat something I’ve done recently.  I will get that camera out and snap some pictures, and I’ll let you know exactly how I conquered another kitchen challenge.

Until then, me, my (non-working) iPhone and my piles of work are going to retreat under the rock we’ve been hiding beneath recently, and buckle down to get some work done.  Yee-haw cowboys!  Giddy-up!