Thursday, March 18th, 2021

now browsing by day


Day 77

There’s nothing quite like sitting down with a full chai latte and catching up with an old friend.  Even if it’s to find out she’s moving away and even if it’s only on the phone instead of in person (this is the current status quo for Covid, anyway).

I’m not always “good” at friendships.  I don’t do all the things — the cards and the gifts and calling regularly.  But even so, i have incredible female friends and I know it.  I am grateful for it.  I put in as much effort as I know how to, as comes naturally to me.  I love them all indescribably.  Deeply and fully.  And they accept me for me, which is such a blessing.

Life has gifted me friends along the journey, women (& men) who understand me, who listen to me, who teach me and inspire me.  Today’s phone call was a reminder of all the things that happen along the road of life for which I can (& should!) be thankful.

So tonight I’ll research the Hudson Valley and listen to Folklore and look forward to the next time our paths cross.  A moment we will inevitably plan and a moment I will relish because this friendship rose out of the ashes of years of hard work and sacrifice.  And it is a gift.

Xox, g