Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021

now browsing by day


Day 62

Today was the kind of day that makes even someone like me wish for Spring.  The weather was mild and the sun was shining. Everything felt a little easier.

I managed to be highly efficient all day — both getting in my Peloton miles and going to yoga (!!yay!!) plus running some errands, seeing the chiropractor AND making the majority of dinner.

I did all of it with a killer headache which is (for me) a huge accomplishment.

When I asked Dr. M for a referral to another neurologist last week I thought he took me seriously.  (He *doesn’t do* migraines …. just MS).  Three day long, debilitating headaches occurring after my infusion like clock-work seem … suspicious at the very least.  But there was no referral in my paperwork and my disillusionment with modern-day healthcare deepens.

It’s just a frustrating place to be — governed by my health but unable to get any actual, comprehensive help.  It’s all so fractured and not a single doctor wants to say anything for certain for fear of a lawsuit.

It’s exhausting.  I’m exhausted.  As though MS fatigue weren’t enough.


Xox, g