Tuesday, March 9th, 2021

now browsing by day


Day 68

There are moments in my life when I feel as though I am on bloodied knees, begging for mercy.  And other moments when I feel blessed beyond measure in all that my life entails.  It’s certainly a spectrum.  (Sometimes daily!)

Living with an autoimmune disease has been one of the greatest teachers I could ever have asked for.  It teaches lessons in patience and humility, in self-advocacy, in moderation, in values and what’s truly important.  It distills life down and gives it clarity in a way that did not exist prior to the disease.  It is as much a gift as it is a curse.

I remind myself of these things when I’m tired, when I can’t find the strength or the internal fortitude to keep doing all the things, day in and day out.  There’s an awareness that is honed over years of being diligent about … well, life … that while beneficial, is also exhausting.

Practicing gratitude in the hard times is as important as remembering the truth in the good times.  It is a balancing act, an on-going exercise in equilibrium.

It is always.

Xox, g