Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021

now browsing by day


Day 61

Just as I was feeling up … then … without warning, I was down again.

Driving home from therapy this afternoon the fatigue hit me like a ton of bricks.  I stared out the windshield, going through the motions of getting home but as though my body reverted to auto-pilot.  I climbed the stairs.  I pulled off my boots and put on sweatpants.  I slunk into my chair and pulled the blanket up to my chin, closing my eyes.

I probably sat for twenty or so minutes, just letting my brain catch up to my body.  Decompressing, slowing down.  Re-focusing.

Fatigue is a weird animal.  It’s not like being tired — it’s more, it’s all-encompassing, debilitating.  It always wins.

Sometimes I wonder if adrenaline is what powers me through most days, and upon finally finishing whatever tasks are on the calendar, my body just collapses from the effort.  It needs a re-boot.  A rest.  A moment of stillness, when nothing is required of it.

I’m climbing slowly out of the pit, stetching.  Coherent thoughts once again populating my brain.  Next is dinner.  And then … finally … sleep.

Oh, what a Tuesday.

Xox, g