Thursday, January 7th, 2021

now browsing by day


Day 7

Yesterday was a scary day.  The aftermath playing out today is also … frightening?  Grounding? Eye-opening?  Sad.

I am sitting in a cabin tonight in the woods.  The WiFi is bad.  Getting on to blog is about the only thing I’ll be able to do (& even accomplishing this has been a challenge as I’m trying very hard not to move and lose connection).  We spent four plus hours on the road after spending the morning packing and running last minute errands and calming our frantic dog so I haven’t been as tuned in as I’d like to what is happening.  The last news brief that registered on my phone was the resignation of Betsy DeVos (umm… ok?).  I received an email survey from my U.S. House Representative as to whether or not I felt V.P. Pence and the Cabinet should invoke the 25th Amendment.  I read that both Schumer and Pelosi supported the effort.  Apparently Trump is trying to save face by agreeing to the peaceful transfer of power.  It’s hard to keep up when there is no internet and no TV.  Which… normally … is kinda nice.  But right now makes me feel vulnerable.

I am immensely proud to be an American.  Immensely.  As the daughter of an immigrant I grew up with many different viewpoints about the world.  I am grateful for those perspectives because it’s always challenged me to look at things from multiple angles. Today I am struggling to understand the logic behind the people who stormed our Capitol building yesterday.  I am just really, really struggling to understand a whole section of Americans who believe things so contrary to what I believe America is.  And yet claim to be patriots.

If we don’t take swift action to condemn what happened and that our current sitting President condoned it, where will that leave our country?  Our democracy?

It is very difficult to contemplate.  I feel as though I’ve never been quite this heartbroken, this heartsick, about something I loved so much.  Something that has changed and become so distorted as to be unrecognizable.

Xox, g