Friday, January 1st, 2021

now browsing by day


Day One

Today, John went fishing.

He wanted to begin a tradition of fishing every January first, so he duly got up, got his gear together and headed out.  I dragged my feet, enjoying the comfort of my warm, snuggly bed, believing (as I always do) that I had all the time in the world.

I had ideas for what I wanted to accomplish.  I had a loose plan.

I, of course, got side-tracked halfway through reading about a man who contributed to the first ever Oxford English Dictionary (we watched a movie about it yesterday).

Anyway, it made me laugh when John messaged that he was one his way home and I’d accomplished all of … none of the things on my list.  I’d begun a lot (and per my Stoics email this morning, that’s all I can truly control) so the wash is getting done and I finished my first ride of 2021 and I made porridge.  I didn’t submit the final invoices needed in our FSA portal, or do any banking or curl up in my new chair to do a little bit of reading while listening to “Last of the Mohicans” movie soundtrack on vinyl (a gift from Santa this year).  And I guess that’s the way of things.

It’s certainly the way of my life.  Lofty goals and valiant efforts.  Eventually the tasks get done.  Eventually I collapse on the couch or in the new chair and just stare into nothing-ness for a bit, my legs unable to hold me up any longer, my brain too exhausted to think anything through clearly.

Maybe thats a lesson I take with me through this next year.  Maybe I remember that just getting started is enough, that putting in effort still counts, and that eventually, everything will get done.

Happy 2021.  I hope!

Xoxo, g