Saturday, June 25th, 2011

now browsing by day


it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood

Hello Weekend!  Since it’s John’s birthday tomorrow, he’s in charge of the agenda.

He wants to BBQ (I’m already thinking of ideas!) and play frisbee golf (I’ve never played before).  The goal, I’m told, is to get your frisbee in the basket (like below). You play 18 holes (like real golf!) and keep track of your strokes. Apparently, you can also have different discs to accomplish different things during each hole (I’m amazed by all of it).

Near where we live is the second oldest Frisbee Golf course in the country (the things I learn when I google!)  I’ll have to let you know how it all turns out ~  until then, I hope you’re enjoying a beautiful weekend as well!

(Can you tell I’m slightly obsessed with the flowers in our garden?  And as a tribute to John, these flower pics were both taken by him!)