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Day 228; AHR day no 8

And so the second week begins.

I don’t know who reads this – if anyone – but let me assure you, we did not arrive in the second week of the Autoimmune Health Reset without some major mood swings, unhappiness and deep desires to quit.

Let me state my case here.  I deeply believe that food is healing, that what we put in our bodies determines our experience of life (high energy, low energy, bloating, discomfort, glowing skin … the results of food run the gamut).

But something I am not a fan of in any way?  Restriction.

I know, I know.  It can be very helpful and a strong teacher.  But I really struggle with restriction.  Tell me I’m never allowed to have another chai latte?  Result – I drink two a day for infinity.  Tell me chai lattes are making me feel like shit but it’s not off limits?  The choice is mine?  I’ll probably comply.  I’m difficult like that.  I like to make the decision myself.

It makes me a very bad participant in health resets.

Listen, we’re doing okay.  I think we’re both hungry most of the time.  I know I certainly am.  I spend time every day reading other participants’ experiences, troubles, etc.  It doesn’t inspire me to keep going and be happy about it.

I have to dig deep. I have to remember why I started.  Even when it’s hard.  Even when I want to quit.  (Which I do, every single day).  Especially when both the husband and I are super cranky because we’re both super hungry.  And dinner is hours away.

Anyway.  Week Two is off to a great start.  Only fourteen more to go.  And chicken and Brussels sprouts on the menu for dinner.  With bacon.  That can’t be that bad, right?


Xoxo, g

Day 224; AHR day no 4

A hint.

Maybe don’t start a new diet protocol the Monday of a three-day headache rager and four days post-PRK eye surgery.

I’ve been grumpy.

I’m still hungry.  (I don’t know when or if this will ever change).

I’m a little bitter because … well, maybe I’ll get into that another time.

Suffice to say, it hasn’t been the easiest week.  But yesterday we had sweet potato fries and beef burgers with a little mushroom and onion sauté (hello ghee, my new favorite thing).  And my headache faded out as the day began to fade. So now it’s just me, my hunger and my wonky vision as my eyes continue tp heal.

When J+I signed up for the Autoimmune Health Reset program, it happened in a flurry, a dark stretch of days (months?) of not feeling good, and at the end of ideas.  It was expensive, but we figured, what the heck?  There’s no price on our health.

That remains true.

It doesn’t, however, justify some of the … shall I say nuances? … of the program.

I have started to feel better (even if simultaneously grouchy and hungry).  I had a good workout today for the first time in what felt like forever.  My right leg is still not good, but I’m doing my PT (with large sides of sass and commentary on health professionals and their attitudes toward ‘sick’ people and y’know, the ancients, ahem, those over 40 …).  I’m drinking my water.

And we have groceries and dinner ideas and kombucha and seaweed.

But still.  Woof.  (I’m the worst at diet protocols).


Xoxo, g

Day 221: AHR day no 1

I hit a wall a few months ago.  My weight was going up, my body was hurting and nothing I was doing seemed to help.

When I hit a wall, I tend to go overboard trying to solve the issue.  My chiropractor reminds me constantly that there aren’t always answers.  That sometimes you just have to move through the feelings.

But coming out of a full year of COVID, and multiple doctors saying “Well, you are over forty so …” meant that I wasn’t going to leave it alone.

Amongst many things, I finally decided that maybe a diet protocol or a functional medical doctor would be a good idea.  Traditional Western medicine seemed to keep letting me down.  So husby and I registered for an Autoimmune Health Reset.  It’s a four month program filled with diet, mindfulness, supplements and fasting and we are on Day #1.

Day One doesn’t mean much.  Right now it means we aren’t really sure about what we’re doing, everything feels difficult and we’re hungry.  I know that as we figure things out, it will get easier and I am very (cautiously) optimistic that I will begin to feel better.

Also, did I mention that I got corrective eye surgery and the recovery time is 2-4 weeks?  Plus it’s balls ass hot out?  So yeah, today might not be my best day.  But I’m doing it.  And I guess that’s what counts.


Xox, g