Wednesday, August 24th, 2022

now browsing by day



Today has been up and down and all around.  I left the house early – lots of appointments – and as I drove next to the train tracks I thought about how grateful I am for my life.  That despite the hard stuff – health and family and money and blah blah blah – it’s a pretty good one.

And tonight, as I finally sit down to do the pile of things sitting and waiting patiently for me on my desk – I’m fairly certain that my head may explode.  Imminently.

I ran out of time again today.  It’s time to make dinner and I haven’t done anything I wanted to do.  Which isn’t necessarily true – I went to Movement Paradigm and I went to yoga and both of those things feed my soul.  But I didn’t get much done towards my meeting tomorrow.  And all I want to do right now is make dinner and sink into the couch as the sun sets, watching “Ted Lasso” for the fourth time in a row.

Life is hard.  Family is hard.  Relationships are hard.  I wish we took more responsibility as humans for our part in how life unfolds at our feet.  I’m pretty certain that I own most of my shit (although probably not all of it) but the number of people I deal with on a regular basis who seem to think that the world owes them, or someone else will fix their shit … it’s a lot of people and it’s *mind-blowing.*.

I think I am going to go cook.  Brown rice and artichokes and some beans and chicken.  And watermelon for dessert.

At least I wrote for the first time in weeks – even if it was to complain about life and my terrible attitude.


Xox, g