Friday, March 11th, 2022

now browsing by day



There is something truly glorious about sitting down, freshly showered, to sip a hot chai and do some reading and writing.  It feels indulgent but also so inherently perfect.  The weather today is pretty gorgeous – mid-50s and sunny.  Lucy could have spent all day sniffing tufts of grass on our walk.

Chai is one of my favorite parts of any day.  It is happiness in a cup. I savor it, feel the tension relax in my shoulders and allow my taste buds to relish the glory that is a soy chai latte from Starbucks.  Whether it’s a good day (like today) or a not-so-good day (like the past few) chai always makes it just a smidge better.

I’m finding that my weeks are usually a roller coaster of good and bad days … and I’m not sure what I’m going to get every morning when I wake up.  I hope I’ll feel good, but it’s not guaranteed.  Having little moments to look forward to – chai tea lattes being at the top of the list – helps me get through the really tough days.

Two days ago I went to urgent care because the skin on my forehead just wasn’t … normal.  It wasn’t a break out and I couldn’t crack it.  Having something on your face is disorienting because even though it might not seem like much to other people, it’s huge to you and it just crumbled my self confidence.  I could feel the downward spiral, the lack of motivation, the deep dark frustration and powerlessness.  And even after the doctor and medicine and calamine lotion it still didn’t’ seem to be diminishing and that further sent me into a tailspin.

Anyway, I went to yoga this morning with a forehead bathed in calamine lotion (poison ivy being the prime suspect for my rash) and I felt a million times better for it.  Now I can settle into my teacher training, more calamine lotion drying quietly as I sip tea, do some French lessons and finally focus in on the history of yoga.  Husby says despite my paranoia, the rash is looking much better.  So, that’s a good thing.

Xox, g