Thursday, February 17th, 2022

now browsing by day



Life is not fair.  It isn’t even kind very often.  We work hard for those things with our humanity.  But it is a human thing, I believe.  The idea of fair and kind.

We all have choices to make every single day.  How we live, how we exist in this life we’ve been given.  How we deal with the hand we’ve been dealt.  Dealing with people who make incomprehensible decisions is a challenging place to be.  It is even more soul-crushing when it is breaking the heart of the person who matters most to you.

I’m in a run of bad days.  Bad MS days, bad family days … just bad days.  I know that the bad will not continue forever.  Life ebbs and flows.  We are ebbing right now, pretty hard, and it feels awful.  But eventually the tides will change.

Eventually the tides will change.  I believe that.

Xox, g