Saturday, January 1st, 2022

now browsing by day



Here we are again, at the start of another year.

Life is unrelenting … but it is also infinite.

I’m sitting on our bed in our second home, Avengers: Endgame playing on an iPad, husband scrolling, both of us exhausted from a day that began at a sprint and ended there, with little respite in between.  Tonight is not much different than other nights, nothing much shifted from who we were last year (aka yesterday), nothing changed so drastically as to effect how we fall asleep at night.   We are the same people, wearing the same pajamas, doing the same things, finding comfort in the same sounds, the same words.  Doing the same routines – Lucy’s eye drops and my skincare and foam rolling.  Teeth brushing and winding down.  Today doesn’t look much different than yesterday because it isn’t.

Time doesn’t work like that.

I make resolutions every year but they are usually the same.  A reset, a ‘get back on track’ reminder tied in the bow of a new year.  In truth,  most of my resolutions have happened on odd days throughout the year, when I’ve just decided to change and just decided to stick to it.  January First comes with too much baggage, too much expectation, too much pressure to be something I am inherently not.

I will blog.  I will stay off social media.  I will ride the Peloton.  I will work toward my goals.  I will be consistent and simultaneously inconsistent.  I will live.

Along the way I will learn and grow.  My thoughts on life and the philosophy of living will shift, sometimes imperceptibly.  And maybe next January First I will look back at this woman I am now, and realize that I have changed.  I will be able to see the sum of all the small parts and hopefully — I will feel proud.

Xoxo, g