Tuesday, October 26th, 2021

now browsing by day


Day 299

Lucy and I drove to the vet this morning in a drizzle rain, the colors of fall popping along the roadside, her nose resolutely out the window, even as she (and the Jeep) got wet.  The sky looked ominous, dark, swirling, thick grey. It felt like the perfect, stormy fall morning.  I loved every second of it and thought about how small the moment was in the grand scheme of my life.

Which brought me to the fleeting nature of existence, how small things make up all the big things — small triumphs, small beauties, small moments of happiness.  It isn’t about the next big thing … it’s about all the little things that happen along the way to the next big thing.  The nuances and rhythms of life.  The blending of smoothies and guzzling of water, the unending laundry pile, the doctor appointments and the insurance payments.  All of those things make up the big picture, like pointillism in art.  Small together makes large.

John bought tickets this morning to see a re-release of “Rocky IV” in the theatre next month.  We’d talked about it and he’d been of two minds; but I knew it was under his skin, something he wanted to do without a specific reason.  Just a feeling.  Nagging at him, circling back to him when he thought it had gone away.    It isn’t  playing at a convenient time or even on a convenient date  … but we will go and it will be wonderful.  Because life is about the small things — the small joys and shared moments.  Walks with Lucy in the rain and a good run of songs on Pandora … the recognition that we all have a finite amount of time here on Earth, in these bodies, with these people.

xoxo, g