Monday, February 9th, 2015

now browsing by day


new routines

So, last week I began my hot lemon water routine, and this week I was completely determined to begin having a smoothie every day for breakfast.  But here’s the thing — it’s one thing to feel super motivated on a Saturday afternoon — it is quite another to feel as motivated at 6am on a gloomy Monday.

This morning, as I dragged myself from my amazingly comfy bed and took the obligatory shower, I decided that we’d purchased all the ingredients and I really didn’t want to waste more food.  Because it’s sad.

But also —

Because back in October, as I finished up my week at OHI, the instructors asked us how many raw meals we could commit to per day after leaving OHI.  My immediate reaction was — Well, I can commit to one a week.  That’s the extent of my love of raw food.  

But then I realized — no, I could actually commit to one a day.  Because smoothies are a meal, and smoothies are raw (well, the ones I make are … I guess you could make a smoothie that didn’t qualify as raw, but that’s beside the point!).

And then months and months slipped by.  And MS took over my life, and then my job took over my life, and then holidays took over my life.  And then I resurfaced at the beginning of February, and I thought — well, there’s no time like the present!

The man and I tend to talk a really good game, and then we sort of follow through and then reprimand ourselves for sort of following through but not all the way following through.  So I got a handy dandy Word document that is laid out like a calendar, and we both started February with goals.

For example, tonight is my cooking night while the man hits up the gym.  And I am trying out a whole roasted cauliflower recipe.  I really hope it’s good!

And I’m also going to keep making smoothies in the morning.  And drinking my hot lemon water.  And going to yoga.  And swimming.  And taking my vitamins.  And hopefully blogging regularly.  So — here’s to hoping it’s an all the way kinda thing, and not a sort of kind of thing.