Sunday, January 18th, 2015

now browsing by day



I have a lot of things on my mind.

But mostly, I just want to curl up on the bed in this sunny, pretty hotel room, wake up and then go home.  Which I realize is both lame and ungrateful.  But I’m so tired, and I just want to be in my own house ….  I have fully accepted that as much as I love travelling, I also really love being at home.

The weather in West Hollywood has been perfection.  I mean — just utterly beautiful.  But — and I know this is going to sound weird — there’s something odd about hanging poolside with a bunch of my male co-workers.  It doesn’t sound very fun.  It sounds kinda stressful.  Definitely not relaxing.  And they probably aren’t as hyper-aware of it as I am, but I definitely feel being the only female.  Additionally, the only female who also happens to have MS.

This is not a pity party.  I am still in LA enjoying great weather, great food and great bonding time with my work team.  I think I just have a case of the Januarys, and I miss my husband.  And I’m tired and feeling very MS-y.

On the plusplus side — there’s football on today.