Saturday, May 19th, 2012

now browsing by day


saturday night

Last night, Lucy, the man and I had a campout in our living room.  It was really fun, and we discovered that our new couch is actually a really comfy bed.

We went for our long hike at Valley Green, did errands and have since spent a very satisfying evening enjoying venison tenderloin and avocado salad.

At some point, I meant to sit down and spend some quality time on here, because I feel as though I’ve been a little neglectful for the past few days.  Buuuuuut … it’s after ten and here I am, finally sipping on a glass of vino and settling in to watch “The Change Up” (which, at this time of night, means I will most likely enjoy the first 45 minutes before conching out).

So far, my observations about “The Change Up” are thus ~ can a movie with Jason Bateman (Sidenote: Have I mentioned my deep love for Jason Bateman?  Oh.  I didn’t?  Well, consider it mentioned.) and Ryan Reynolds (no footnotes/sidenotes needed here) be bad? I think not.

We shall have to wait and see.  We have company tomorrow, so it will be up and at ’em nice and early and quite a day.  I promise promise promise to take some snaps and share our menu.