Tuesday, October 11th, 2011

now browsing by day


don’t hate the toosday

I felt so inspired this morning.

I got up at 6am.  I did ‘Insanity: Cardio Resistance & Power” by 7.10a.  I was at work by 9.15am (sidenote: it’s an hour commute).  I worked until 6.30pm.  No lunch break.  This translates to “Rockstar.” Well, in my world anyway.

And then my Tuesday took an unexpected twist.

Original game plan:  Grab some veggies from the restaurant.  Drive home.  Rock out to “Pure Cardio.”  Perhaps go to yoga (I bought a Groupon, after all!) and then watch my tivo’d episodes of “The Good Wife” while putting together photo collages (a challenge mission from the man before he left … they have been under our couch for, well, probably close to a year? I know, I know, but …. Okay, I really don’t have a good excuse).  I also had some miscellaneous household chores to get done.

Actual Tuesday night:  My phone rings at 6.35p.  It’s my neighbor.  She’s having people over for dinner … did I want to join?  Well, said I, I’m just leaving the city now … No problem, says she.

And so I accepted.

And I spent my night having the most animated and thought-provoking conversation.  I find it important to highlight this.  Yes, it’s also because I didn’t cook.  Or go on an amazing adventure.  However, have you ever had one of those conversations that make you go … well, to be cliched, “Hmmmm …..”?

I joked early on ~ my mother taught me never to discuss religion or politics!  But we discussed politics ad nauseum, and I completely enjoyed it.  And I learned something.

Because I don’t want to alienate any readers I may have, all I’m going to say is, I have certain principles I stand by, but I’m always willing to listen.  And I love to learn.  I feel like life is about meeting people who bend your mind in  unexpected ways.  And that’s what makes it fun.

On a completely different subject, I think that me, myself and I are going on a date this Friday to see the new version of “Footloose.”  Ridicule me if you must.  But I just. can’t. resist!

And in the immortal words of Gupta from “The Terminal” … and more importantly,  one of my favs and my favorite lines from “The Terminal” ~

Don’t hate the Toosday.  🙂  (Cuz it’s fun.  And surprising!).