Lucy Lou

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Team green #runrunrun!  Broad Street Run 2012!

After one hour and fifty-eight minutes, my team and I crossed the finish line.

It wasn’t all easy!

We got to the finish line just before 7am to catch the subway to the start.  It was craziness how many people were EVERYWHERE!  The race kicked off at 8.30am, but we didn’t cross the start until 9.05a.  We set out at an easy pace (about eleven minutes/mile).  The first mile flew by.  The second (for me) was rough.  But that’s pretty typical for me during a run.  I knew once I got over the 2 mile hump, I would hit a groove.  The three mile marker came up pretty fast, and then you could clearly see City Hall and Ben Franklin looming in the distance.

It was completely bananas looking up and seeing the sea of people jogging ahead of us.  It was a whole lot of dry fit, lycra and neon trim!

Some friends of mine were at the seven mile-marker, and from seven to eight was the toughest part of the run for me.  I am fairly certain that it was extra-long! 😉

Once we got to the nine mile-marker, it felt like we were almost done.  The excitement was palpable.  And just as I started to feel as though we were gonna do it, the man appeared on the sidelines and caught this snap (I was in the middle of saying ‘BABE!’). I have to admit, I nearly cried from joy for nearly being done, and for seeing him so surprisingly.  It was incredible.

Of our team (of three, because Minda wasn’t able to run), Noelle & I both had never run any sort of organized race in our lives.  Dave did a great job of helping us keep on pace and stay motivated.  We laughed from the minute we got into the car to drive down until the race started.  We were a bundle of nerves, and then it started, and even though it was scary and intimidating, we just put one foot in front of the other.

I had three goals.  To finish, to run the whole time, and to do it under two hours.  We accomplished all three.  It was such an overwhelming exciting feeling.

We’re going to do a half marathon in September.  Training starts … um, in a few days!  My legs need a little bit of a recovery.  But I know that when training does start, Lucy will be ready to help her mama train.  And the man, who has been so incredibly supportive and helpful through all of it, will be there with me again.  I have a great family ~ I’m a lucky girl.


the day before

As the man said this morning as I worked myself into a panic, there isn’t much that can be done the day before that hasn’t already been done.

So we enjoyed a leisurely day, including lunch at the Four Dogs Tavern ~ where Lucy Lou got to join us on the patio!

Some of the things we noshed ~

It was great to enjoy the day, and now, it’s bed time.  Tomorrow is approaching fast, and no amount of procrastination is going to make the run come slower.  It’s now or never, do or die!

Next time I blog, hopefully, I can say I just completed a 10 mile run!

finally friday!

Every other Friday, Lucy gets to spend the whole day with her Grandpa (my dad), and after work, the man and I drive down to Chester County and enjoy a relaxing night in the country being fed yummy food.

Luckily, after a few really grumpy days, the weather was beautiful as we drove through the countryside tonight: beautiful skies, green fields, and the beginnings of a very hazy, colorful sunset.

This weekend is IT for me ~ my race is finally (almost!) here.  So this evening, the man and I are going to enjoy the family, some duck for dinner, and laughing at the adorable-ness of  Miss Lucy Lou.  We hope you enjoy your Friday as well!



a little surprise

Yesterday afternoon I received a little surprise gift!

And today, because the day dawned gray, rainy and much colder than my weather app forecast at bedtime last night(!), I decided to break out the new goods.

In general, I can be one of those people who receive nice bath products and then allow them to gather dust in my closet ‘saving’ them for a special occasion.  I am SO SO glad I did not do that with these. Instead,  I spent the whole day enjoying how great I smelled!

The whole regime began with the lemon-sage body scrub.  After reading the directions (yes, I’m one of those people), I spent the specified five minutes scrubbing down prior to jumping in the shower.  I have never done that before ~ and it makes a HUGE difference! I followed up my skin polish with  lemon-sage body wash, and then, the “cherry on the top”, if you will (aaaaand, I will!), the vanilla+bergamot body butter.  Oh. My. Goodness.  You know how sometimes moisturizer, despite all the promises on the label, just fails to impress?  As in, it’s greasy, it doesn’t spread well … it feels heavy and thick on your skin?

Not. This. Stuff.  Seriously.  One of the best moisturizers I have ever used.  And I’m a bit of a product snob, because I’m a little vain about my skin.  AND.  To top it all off?  I smelled like an elegant vanilla sugar cookie.  I can’t even begin to find the words to articulate what a great bath experience.

And on a work day!

It helped keep my spirits up during the incredibly gloomy day.

Even better, Lucy was an absolute peach all day, so there was very little clean up when I got home.  Whoo Hoo!!!!  It made me get a little experimental with dinner.  I’d been craving polenta all day, so I tried to use what we had in the fridge and make a polenta lasagna.

It ended up being a little more like a Polenta Mac & Cheese.  But, it was yummy.

What I Used:

1 pkg organic polenta, sliced thin

2 large portobello caps, sliced

1 pkg Italian grated cheese

1/4c.  Colby Jack grated cheese

1/4c. heavy cream (optional)

1/4c. dry white wine

S & P

Garlic Powder


What I did:

Preheat oven to 350.

1.  In a saucepan, combine sliced portobello, a healthy pour of EVOO, salt, pepper and garlic salt to taste.  Cook until mushrooms soften.

2.  In a greased glass casserole dish, line bottom with a layer of polenta.  Sprinkle half the package of Italian cheese.  Layer 3/4 of the mushrooms evenly on top of cheese.

3.  Use remaining polenta to create a second layer on top of the mushrooms.  Sprinkle the remaining half of the cheese, and finish off with the remaining mushrooms, and the 1/4c Colby Jack (I used it because I ran out of Italian cheese, so it’s really all about improvising!)

4.  Whisk together the cream and wine and drizzle evenly across the top (I did this to prevent it from drying up and burning, which happened to a  dish the man & I made a few weeks ago … I didn’t want to waste good mushrooms by allowing them to shrivel up!).

5. Pop in the oven for about 20 minutes (it should be bubbling!) and then allow to cool for at least five.  Enjoy your polenta mac & cheese with a nice glass of vino, and (as I did) some grilled asparagus!

Now, for some HGTV this gloomy Wednesday night.  I just love Property Brothers!


draft day

For those of you who are not avid football fans, today is the first round of the 2012 NFL Draft.  I’ll be quite frank, I’m a very big football fan, but I don’t get all wrapped up in the draft.

However, the man and I thought we would “just turn it on for a minute” this evening as we sat down to enjoy some sushi … and we’re at the 12th pick and we haven’t changed the channel once.

The last time I watched the draft this intensely, Mario Williams went first to the Texans, and Matt Leinart dropped to tenth, following (amongst others) Vince Young and Reggie Bush.

As I sit curled up on our couch, I think about how sometimes, it’s really nice to be grateful for little things in the moment.  Here I am, with the man I love & my bestest friend in the world, our little peanut Lucy Lou smelling of banana chocolate chip muffins snoring between us, watching the draft.  It’s an amazing amalgamation of all the things we love.  Obviously, neither of our teams have picked yet (the man keeps saying coyly … “The Giants are the 32nd pick.  Wanna know why? Wanna know why?”  Long pause.  Sly look in my direction.  And then, at the same time, in completely different tones, we both say “Because the Giants won the Super Bowl.” ).  But it’s football.  In April.  And life is alright.

my baby girl

I’m having a proud Mama moment. 

Isn’t she the cutest?  Well … I think so.  

guilty pleasures

Ever woken up and felt – for no apparent reason – that you could not keep your eyes open?

I felt that way this morning.

Little Lucy Lou was very patient with her Mama.  She slept in (after a 5am bathroom break) and was a little peanut the whole morning.  Sometimes, I think she understands a lot more than I could possibly comprehend.  She was snuggly and kept checking in on me as I did work ~ as though she completely understood that I was not feeling 100%.

In honor of feeling like a beaten up dishrag, I thought I’d cheer myself up by thinking about my favorite guilty pleasures.  As in, things I would indulge in if I was curled up with napping Lucy making little snuffles in her sleep.

1.  Dancing with the Stars (if I didn’t watch it addictively every Monday and Tuesday ~ although I have watched the dances multiple times in the past).  I have a completely pure and unadulterated love for dance.  I think it’s amazing ~ I think dancers are the most beautiful people on earth.  I toy with the idea of taking classes all the time.  Perhaps one day I will be able to fit it in.

2. Magnum, P.I.  Winston loaned me all eight seasons on DVD, and Lucy and I put them on in the mornings when I’m blow-drying my hair and getting ready for work.  I’m pretty sure Lucy loves Magnum, too ~ I know I find the show so relaxing.  I love Tom Selleck’s voice overs, the playful-ness of the show, and that it harkens back to what I think of as a simpler time (aka, my youth).  Actually, I love pretty much everything with Tom Selleck, including Three Men and a Baby, and Three Men and a Little Lady.

3.  Any movie with Kevin Costner (caveat: WaterWorld).  I love Field of Dreams, For Love of the Game, The Postman, Dances with the Wolves, Tin Cup … I even loved him in The Upside of Anger, which was, as I recall, a very depressing movie.

4.  Watching an entire season of a TV series.  I love, love, love when I can just turn off my brain and get completely involved in something else.  I’ll be honest ~ the show doesn’t even have to be all that good.  I just love watching one episode after another (this is a tag-along to #2).

It doesn’t sound like a lot ~ but just thinking about this stuff makes me feel a little better.  Of course, sleep would be awesome, too.  But reality says work must be done.

to-do lists, and other everyday things

This morning dawned gray and rainy, and after a little bit of a sleep-in, we got up and got to business.  Yesterday was jam-packed ~ and pretty awesome.  But it left us only today to get everything done.

We went on a ten-mile hike yesterday morning, down through the beautiful greenery of Valley Green and Fairmount Park.  Lucy was in doggie-heaven, running here and there, lapping up water from the streams, chasing birds and squirrels, going ‘cracker dog’ in the sandy patches of the trail.  By the end, her long pink tongue lolled from the side of her mouth, and when we got back to the truck, she curled up in a ball in the back seat, completely content.  If that had been her only treat, it would have been a good Lucy day.

However, we spent part of the afternoon with her doggie boyfriend, and his parents and various friends baking cookies.  Extremely fun, and once again, Lucy had a ball.

In the evening, we went to dinner with my oldest friend from high school, and her man.  After which, we sipped adult beverages around our fire pit, while Lucy explored the yard (read: tried to dig lots of holes in the ground while her dad wasn’t watching).  Eventually, the rain drove us inside, and after our friends were safely on their way back to the city, we watched “Horrible Bosses” and napped on the couch.  Hilarious movie, btw ~ & I completely love Jason Bateman.

Today, we decided to be incredibly proactive, and we prepped lunches for the entire week.  Mostly, we are trying to be strict with our budget, because we have a couple plans that need financing, so while doing an endless amount of laundry, we made a pitcher of iced coffee for the mornings, hard-boiled eggs for mid-morning snacks and made a base salad to have with slices of pork tenderloin.  Because I loved the apricot and pistachio salad from Easter, I made a version of that and some homemade salad dressing.

I’m very much looking forward to lunch this week!

What I used:

1 cup baby spinach (because that’s what I had left in my fridge)

1/2 bag of butter lettuce and red lettuce

1/3 c dried apricots, sliced thinly

1/3 cup shelled and chopped pistachios

fresh parsley leaves, torn

fresh mint leaves, torn

snipped chives

fresh dill

*** I bought small packages of each of the herbs, and used about half each, except for the dill, which I used sparingly.


For the dressing (from Good Housekeeping)

In a jar that seals tightly, combine:

1/3 c EVOO

Finely minced peel of 1 lemon

2 tbsp lemon juice (I find that about 1 tbsp comes from each half of the lemon)

2 tbsp white balsamic vinegar

1/4 tsp salt

1/8 tsp pepper

Shake well, and allow to sit for 2 hours, or as long as three days.

And now, it’s Sunday Night and time for “Game of Thrones.”  Goodnight!

moments of clarity

Have you ever had a moment when it felt incredibly clear that you perhaps weren’t living up to the person you want to be?

I had one today.  I thought ~ wow.  I really squander a lot of time.  I watch TV when I should be reading a book.  I go to the gym at 9pm and then sit up til midnight unwinding instead of going straight to bed (although yes, I did go to the gym).  I hit snooze instead of getting up and getting to work early.  I don’t meal plan.  I let laundry pile up.

I want to be educated, but I really hate watching the news and hearing about all the fires and shootings and crime.  It doesn’t inspire much hope about the human race, and I inevitably have nightmares.

Today we took Lucy to the vet (for what feels like the millionth time).  I was running late getting home from work and of course, despite her incredible ability to evacuate her bowels constantly, we couldn’t get a sample.  I felt flustered and agitated that I wasn’t on top of everything.  I felt frustrated all day that for some reason, the feeling of passion or fire, doesn’t infuse my work days. Sitting at the vet, I wondered why I didn’t choose a career path more virtuous, like veterinary medicine.  Something where the work you do contributes positively to society.

In the end, all any of us can do is try every day to be the best person we can be ~ make the choices we want to make.  Some days we will be lazy, and some days we will feel as though we are making incredible headway.  Change takes time, and change comes from creating new routines.  I guess if I work hard at creating new routines (like going to the gym ~ at 9pm or any time!), I can try to modify them as I get more comfortable.  It’s all about being proactive, right?

Easter lunch

roses from my mama bear

Last year, the man and I hosted Easter luncheon for the first time.  I used left-over tissue paper to line the plates and separate the soup bowls.  I had a crazy notion to make a chilled soup to start (I found an excellent recipe in Delia Smith’s cookbook for avocado gazpacho, and it was pretty successful, if I do say so myself!).

We sat outside with my parents for most of the afternoon, drank a lot of white wine and ate delicious snacks from Trader Joes.  My mother and I filled our entire apartment with smoke from the leg of lamb, and the man managed to break not one, but three wine glasses.

It was a good Easter.


This year we were supposed to journey up to the man’s parents, but plans changed at the last minute, so we invited my folks up (and wrangled them into getting lamb from their butcher, who is vastly superior to anyone in our area) and committed to having our first joint family holiday.

I’m not sure I’ve mentioned it before, but I have a deep passion for event planning.  I immediately whipped open my April issue of ‘Good Housekeeping’  (I remembered they had an Easter luncheon ‘make-ahead’ meal plan, and I was going to cherry pick that which I liked best).  I also went about envisioning my table settings.  (There is something supremely satisfying about beautifully setting a table to dine).

"Eastery Centerpiece"

On Thursday, my first scheduled day of prep, I was sidelined fairly effectively with one of the worst migraine headaches I’ve had in a long time.  Sidenote:  apparently, the pollen count is twice as high as past years due to the incredibly mild winter.  Store that knowledge away, because I think it’s pretty beneficial info.  I plan on using it to sound really informed at least three or four times this summer.

So after work on Friday, I braved Michaels, Kohls and the grocery store, to get prepped for the man’s parent’s visit and Easter Sunday luncheon.  I had such a strong sense of my flower arrangements, centerpiece and place settings (courtesy of Good Housekeeping) that I hemmed and hawed for awhile at Michaels, trying to find just the right supplies.  I also ran into Minda’s hubby, who was there to get crafting supplies to make her a surprise Easter gift (how adorable!).

When John’s parents arrived late Friday evening, we were dying Easter eggs.  I’d bought tiny galvanized bins and a little watering can, and I filled them with store-bought (aka fake) moss, and tulip buds.  For Easter lunch, I added the dyed eggs (housed in the refrigerator until then).

On Saturday (and on very little sleep, thanks to Miss Lucy) I prepped this year’s chilled soup ~ an asparagus bisque.  Having never bought (let alone cooked) with leeks, it was a long process – it’s length aided by my inability to focus due to extreme fatigue.  Someone (and I won’t name names LUCY) was up all night crying at the incredible injustice that she was in our room in her comfy bed rather than in the living room with her grandma, grandpa and their pups, Sera and Jack.  The recipe is here ~ and it’s delish.  The man made a great observation, too ~ the soup benefits from time in the fridge cooling down.

For dinner, I made buttermilk roast chicken (from Smitten Kitchen – and a huge success on WeHangsDay earlier in the week), pull-apart bread and a spinach, pear and almond salad.  (This was all at the request of the man ~ there’s nothing quite like getting a food request… it makes a girl feel very special!).  I’d wanted to prep the rest of Easter dinner, but after a shower and a long nap, it was all I could do to get dinner on the table.

Smitten Kitchen's Buttermilk Chicken

My invented Pear & Toasted Almond Spinach Salad






Today, Lucy and I took a three-mile jog and then set in for full-on Easter lunch prep.  The man and I set up two tables, draped them in clothes (which I bought in two contrasting sizes and shapes, because really, why make it easy on myself?), and I began decorating.





Our final menu ~

To start … Deviled eggs a la the man, Chilled Asparagus Bisque

For lunch … Boneless leg of lamb (prepared by my gracious mother, with grainy mustard, rosemary and breadcrumbs), scalloped potatoes (prepared by John’s gracious mother, with cheddar cheese, sour cream, butter, French’s Fried Onions and Campbell’s Cream of Chicken Soup), Apricot & Pistachio Salad (courtesy of Good Housekeeping) and Pillsbury biscuits.

And, something sweet … Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries, Peanut Butter Eggs, and Coconut Eggs.  The man has been waxing lyrical about his mama’s peanut butter eggs forever … and he was right.  They were delish!

It was an amazing afternoon ~ such a nice and gentle introduction of our families to each other (after nearly four years, it was about time!).  In my world, family is one of the most important things.  Family helps to mold you, is your safety net when you take leaps of faith into the unknown, lifts you up when you are dragging, and genuinely expresses pleasure when you succeed.  Family is priceless and should be treated as such.  I felt lucky to have the majority of my family with me (we were minus my little brother, because he marches to his own beat, is turning 30 tomorrow and probably celebrated today, and isn’t one for overly religious celebrations).  I feel lucky to be with a man who values the same things I value.

Life is good.  Happy Easter peeps.  😉 (Get it? … peeps!!!)