taking stock
At this very moment, the hubs and I are ensconced on the couch watching football and snuggling with Lucy Lou. She is not as responsive to the Steelers as she is to the Giants, but I can’t totally blame her. Her very first month with us included a Giants Super Bowl win and an abundance of Giants TV specials and paraphernalia around the house. That, and inherently, she’s her daddy’s girl.
It was a good weekend ~ beginning with John arriving home on Friday, spending some great quality time with friends last night and rounding out with having an incredibly productive day today. I had an overwhelming feeling of happiness and contentedness when football revved up onscreen, and I found myself making a mid-afternoon snack in our -insanely!- organized and prepped kitchen, the late afternoon sun slanting through the windows. I have to admit that those moments (during the week) are few and far between. And yet, so often on the weekends, I find them to be in abundance. This morning, hot Starbucks in hand, walking Lucy through the woods; this afternoon as we organized our grocery shopping, prepped lunches, dinners and juice for the week; twilight, as Lucy curled up between us on the couch, at peace amid her mummy and daddy. Last night, sitting around the fire pit, enjoying light-hearted conversation with friends; driving home through the farmland, the stars twinkling over the meadows. Weekends, now more than ever, get me through the week … either remembering a good one, or anticipating the next.
It’s been a challenging year ~ for me, both personally and professionally. On Friday I moved my work offices for the fifth time in less than four years. Exhausting. I also spoke with a nurse from the third -yes, third- medical therapy my MS doctor has prescribed me in less than a year. ( have moments when I long for life to be normal, regular. And then I realize that it won’t ever really be normal again. After all, I won’t ever NOT have MS. So what I need to do is catalog days like today, full of happiness and contentment, and remind myself that this is normal now. And it’s not so bad.