some poetry (oh, fancy!)
A few things I’ve written over the years. Poetry is certainly not my strong suite. But every once in awhile, something rhythmic happens in my brain.
i. 6.29.16
I am drowning in a sea of self-destruction
Walking through memories best forgotten
Who I was, who I am … how I came to be
So much pain, so much angst, so much misery
And on the other side, in the sun, in the light
How much should I remember, and how much release to flight?
I am angry, I am resigned. I am strong, I am kind.
I was not always who I am today.
And *that* for now, must be okay.
ii. 2.17.17
I am breathing
Like a rhythm
My heart, my lungs, my soul
I am searching for an answer
to a question
I don’t know …
I am reaching
for your hand
For something I can hold
I am praying
for an answer
to the swirling of my world
iii. 11.16.99
I’m battered, I’m bruised
I’m aching, I’m used
I’m broken, I’m breathless
I’ve fallen, you’re gone
I’m shut down, inside out
Silent, consumed with doubt
Waiting in darkness, in misery
And it would take a stronger person than I could ever be
To take on the challenge of me
To lift me higher than I’ve ever been
To make me believe again
Hi, it says what you wanted it to, so it works.