
Sometimes, the simplest things can completely change even the smallest moments.

I can’t pretend — I’m completely exhausted and I’ve finally hit a day when coming and blogging feels a little bit like a chore.  But I had such a clear idea earlier today about what I wanted to say that I don’t want to do it complete injustice.

I work every day in center city Philadelphia.  I’m very used to the normal jostling and interactions on the street.  There’s an underlying discontent — a mistrust that runs like a current, an energy that one becomes accustomed to after awhile.  As though everyone is out to get everyone else.  Listen, I love Philly –in the strange way that I also feel as though it’s home — but I won’t deny that it’s not unusual for strangers to feel as though Philly is unfriendly and cold.

I think there are many reasons for that, and I won’t get too philosophical about it. But I think it makes sense, and it’s truly, authentically Philadelphia.

But … every once in awhile you meet someone’s eye, and they return your gaze with a huge and genuine smile.

And today I thought — a smile makes all the difference.

It changes a person’s whole face.  It warms up an entire room.  It buzzes — filling a space with energy.  It sort of made my day when a woman smiled at me in the hallway this afternoon.  A real, true, huge, honest smile.

So often, flat and empty stares greet you and it makes you feel even more alone than you felt before.  A smile — a smile changes all that.  All of a sudden you are two people, connected for the briefest of moments.  Finding the happy and sharing it.

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