it isn’t always easy being green
Tuesday Green Juice
2 cups romaine
2 cups spinach
1 pkg freshly cut mango (from TJs)
1 Granny Smith apple
Several large carrots
1 peach
The first day of everything -for me at least- includes some jitters, some nervous energy and a lot of uncertainty. I’m just that kind of person ~ new stuff is a little bit overwhelming and intimidating. I must confess that I’ve psyched myself out of things in the past being a nervous Nellie, so I consider it a huge accomplishment that I’ve begun trying new things all by myself. Yesterday was the start of my week-long early morning yoga class as well as the first official day of our cleanse, and I think I was just buzzing with excitement and nerves all day.
Today, I felt a little more mellow. Thankfully!
I was a complete glutton and went to two yoga classes today ~ my early morning ‘stay’cation and my most favorite Tuesday hot vinyasa (which I miss almost never ~ it is my complete and total favorite class ever). Ironically, we focused on the same thing during both classes. Sun salutations or vinyasa (pick your terminology!), and really being aware of each movement. I enjoy classes that bring everything back to the basics ~ it helps to refocus and I always find new ways to better be in each posture. And it’s always great to have two different teachers, because each gives you a new view and new things to try.
This morning’s meditation was on the idea of stillness. Yoga is practiced not only for the physical benefits, but also to achieve a dynamic stillness. That is, like a spinning top, to be able to be connected and involved in action and movement, but to have stillness of mind and spirit. A top, spinning perfectly, appears still, but is actually perfectly controlled movement.
As my instructor said, most of us are not perfectly balanced spinning tops; we’re the tops skittering across the floor and wobbling from side to side. But practicing yoga and allowing that meditation to influence our daily life experience is one way to try to get our tops as balanced as possible.
I sort of love that imagery. The idea of dynamic stillness is perfectly illustrated to me by the idea of a spinning top.
Tonight, my instructor talked about having a teacher to help guide you to open your door of self-discovery, which I believe is one of the most important parts of yoga. I’ve taken a handful of classes with different instructors, and as I said before, Tuesday night is hands down my favorite. Everything about class on Tuesday works for me ~ the philosophy, the pace, the series of movements … I can’t rave enough. And I believe because my instructor inherently makes sense to me, it makes yoga that much more enjoyable. Heart heart heart. Seriously.
Last night, I couldn’t wait to curl up and get to bed. Tonight is a little different ~ despite two yoga classes, a hike with Lucy and day two of our elimination diet/cleanse, I’m not totally exhausted.
Could progress be being made?