a case of the mondays
Life can feel really busy, and as though it’s speeding by too quickly sometimes. What with work, and commuting and trying to work out regularly, and getting household projects done, and keeping up with friends and family … days and weeks slip by almost imperceptibly. And all of a sudden, it’s the downward slope of October and the holidays are around the corner.
Remember when you were a child, and your parents said that time goes by quickly? And you thought, “That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard?”
I get it now.
The man and I had a great weekend ~ we had a date night on Friday, and enjoyed a new sushi place. On Saturday, after getting my hair done (isn’t the salon just so decadent?), we cleaned the house, put together the photo collages (!!!) and then I was lucky enough to have dinner with my closest friend from high school days. It was amazing, and she brought an incredible bottle of wine from the country of Georgia, where she spent several months teaching this past year. (She’s sort of amazing ~ and awe inspiring. She’s working on her thesis now so I was glad she was able to take the time out to come and catch up).
On Sunday, we indulged in a day of football, and hung out at our favorite bar, playing shuffleboard, watching the Steelers & Giants, and noshing on really awesome mussels in white sauce and hot wings (for him ~ I’m not a wings kinda gal).
Today, it was back to early beginnings ~ our drive to work was partially in the dark. Ugh. And then we hit up the gym this evening. Three miles in just under 34minutes ~ which isn’t so great, but also isn’t so bad. Ten minute mile ~ I’m coming for ya!
As far as something fun to share that we cooked ~ I’m having a case of the Mondays. All I want to do is curl up on the couch and fall asleep while John isn’t looking. (It’s my M.O. when he’s in a TV watching mood, and my eyelids have lead weights attached to them).
My goal, once I get the work, working out, flossing (should be done once a day!) and all that other stuff down to a science, I’m gonna get on the ball with a weekly menu, so I have something fun to cook at least three or four days a week.
Until then, I can guarantee WeHangsDay every other week. And catching up with the wine journal.
Happy Monday!