the eagle has landed
Folks. It’s been a long couple weeks since the man has been gone. Luckily, fate did not deign to intervene again, and he will be touching down in the City of Brotherly Love imminently.
Since I rushed home from work to walk straight over to an open house at my neighbors (where I promptly devoured two of the best burritos I have ever had), and I am just now frantically getting the house all dolled up for the man’s arrival home, I thought I’d share a couple fun G & J facts.
1. To us, football can almost seem like a religion. We schedule Sundays in the fall around the Steelers & the Giants game times. We tailgate for Penn State like it’s a mission.
2. We are both crazy obsessed with Christmas. Every year, we commit to expanding our Christmas movie & decoration collection. Currently, we have three Nativities.
3. Otherwise, we are about as opposite as you can get.
4. Once a year, we have a Lord of the Rings weekend marathon, and we watch all three extended movies.
5. When we met, we were both (me more-so, I believe) convinced we’d met somewhere before.
6. I can remember the date of every important event in our relationship. I like dates.
7. I’m older than John by a year, six months and fourteen days. (I like numbers).
8. John taught me how to play chess, and it’s my goal in life to beat him. Check this space in about five years.
9. We’ve never gone on a single vacation just the two of us. The closest we got to going on a vacation together was a trip to Williamsburg, VA for my 30th birthday with my family. My brother & John bonded that trip. It will forever live in infamy.
10. John needs much less sleep than me. Therefore, it’s better if I’m the one whose time zone is behind. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case this trip.
Until tomorrow, happy Thirsty Thursday!
Hi Sweet Niece. I’ve just read your latest posts – quite apart from making me feel hungry and greedy all at the same time, they make me envy you your bright independence and ability to take care of yourself, your delight in life even when you’re on your own, and the life that make for yourself, full of enthusiasm!
I see you have been preoccupied since the return of the Man!! Good. And that you are enjoying the challenge, be it ever so massive, of your job. Good for you. We’re all hoping that your threat to come and visit this weekend will be carried out! Perhaps we could return the favour and bring Unkie Punkie up to visit you two… anyway, thanks for brightening my morning with your Blog!
All my love,
Aunty Lenny xxxx