October, 2011

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january resolutions kept

Confession:  the peach cobbler remains elusive.

It doesn’t mean I don’t want to have it, or that I’m not excited to try to make it.  It does mean that the prospect of peeling and slicing 12 peaches when I’m getting home at 9pm most nights just doesn’t feel appealing (pun unintended, but I giggled at it anyway).

The past two nights I succeeded in making cookies and enchiladas, and I’m feeling pretty content with my efforts for October thus far.  Up next ~ learning how to cook authentic beef & broccoli (and finally making peach cobbler so there’s a dessert for after dinner!).

What I haven’t been completely happy with is my exercise routine.

It doesn’t help that I haven’t been able to fall asleep the past few nights (which means less sleep than normal) and I’ve been staying at work later to try to catch up on stuff (I actually filed paperwork today for the first time since July!!!) plus doing some cooking in the evening leaves very little time for working out.

As I pep-talked my way through getting changed into work-out gear and popping Pure Cardio into the DVD player, I began to think a lot about why I would … well, for lack of  a better word, force myself into working out tonight, when all I really wanted to do was put on sweatpants, make some TJ’s treats, and cuddle up on the couch to catch up on my DVR list.

The answer goes back aways.

The thing is, I’ve never been super good at working out consistently, or eating well consistently.  I’ve always just done whatever felt good at the time, and then done ‘exercise binges’ ~ a four month or six month stint when I get into a work-out routine  … and then something comes along and all of a sudden six months have gone by and I haven’t even lifted a finger in an active way.

I attribute part of this to working as a waitress for such a long time.  As an FYI to non-restaurant people, being on your feet, carrying trays, cleaning tables, etc etc etc, is pretty good, steady exercise.  It’s definitely an adjustment to transition into working at a desk for 10 hours a day.  But … at first, you don’t realize it.  And you don’t realize that you need to “make up” that exercise some other way.

The man and I made a pact this year that we would try to be more healthy.  We’ve lived together for over two years now, and after the first few months of settling in, and then about a year of me figuring out how to grocery shop and make food, we’re now making lifestyle changes steadily.

Working out is a big part of that.  We joined the new gym that opened across the street in July.  I’d like to say we go every day, but that would be a bold-faced lie.  We try to go to the gym at least three times a week.  We also enjoy taking long walks through the neighborhoods near our home.  Even after a bad day, or a long day …. actually, let me re-phrase that.  Especially after a long day of work, it’s almost a relief to put sneaks on, and start walking.  The man jokes that it takes him the first ten to fifteen minutes to start enjoying himself, but I completely agree.  Sometimes, I’ll be ready to go, and the first few steps down the driveway make me want to turn around.  An hour and half later, I could keep on walking!  I think it also helps a ton with our mental health.  Walking allows us to communicate without the distractions of television or the Internet.  Or phones.  It’s just me and the man and our thoughts and daydreams.

I think the other part of it is that as I’ve gotten older, I’ve started to be more aware of my body and my health.  Some examples:  I love wine (love. wine.).  I hate hate hate being hung over.  For a lot of reasons, but the top two are, I don’t like feeling that physically terrible, and it usually means you lose an entire day that you could otherwise be doing something else (something fun).

Sleeping is better when I work out.  I physically feel better; I’m not as anxious, angry, tense or stressed out when I work out.  I feel as though I’m taking care of myself.  And that’s a really great feeling.

As I did my third Shaun T. workout today, in my third cycle of ‘Insanity,’ I could feel that my body is in better shape.  The work-outs are challenging, and I’m still dripping with sweat at the end, but I’m much better at keeping up, and doing the moves correctly.  When the man and I made our pact in January (and we downloaded calorie-counting apps, and moved an old stationary bike in the living room) I thought in the back of my mind that it would be like most January resolutions.  I’d be gun-hoe about it for about six weeks, and then forget.

But I stuck with it this time.  I’m not fanatical.  I don’t beat myself up too hard if I only work out once a week (but I do try to be better the next week, and that’s really all a person can do ~ try to keep improving).  I don’t get stressed out because I ate two brownies.  At nine a.m.  Because I was hungry and didn’t feel like cooking.

I’ve realized that I’ve made a lot of progress.  I’m more active.  We eat much more balanced meals that we used to.  We’re better at preparing food for a week and having veggies every day.  We drink in moderation (and we enjoy it ~ I knew that trying to give everything up would just make me resentful.  So we did all this and kept the things we love ~ wine, vodka for the man, chai tea lattes from Starbucks for me ~ you get the point). We take walks together, and work the stress and angst out of our systems.  We don’t eat after we get full (this is a lot harder to get in the habit of doing, but once you start, you realize that you probably eat a lot more than you need to … or maybe I should change the pronoun from “you” to “I” ~ either way, same point).  It’s easier to see the progress now that I can look back over nine months and analyze everything.  It was harder sometimes to keep being disciplined in the thick of it all.

Reading other people’s blogs helped, and kept me motivated, which is a great thing.  This whole blogging thing is great ~ even if no one reads it, and it’s just me finally writing again after years of picking up a pen and paper and having no motivation to put anything down ~ that in and of itself makes it worth it.

I don’t look like I lost a lot of weight ~ but I have made steady progress.  And I’ve slimmed down.  All I can do now is keep focusing on living well: exercising, and eating right, and getting enough sleep (which you never need to twist my arm about ~ I love me some sleep!).

So tonight, when I was tired, and my neck hurt because I’d (probably) slept funny last night, and all I wanted to do was be a bum … instead, I pulled on my work-out duds (which I smartly keep in one drawer ~ a one-stop shop so I don’t lose focus half-way through!) and put the DVD in, and before I could talk myself out of it, I was jogging in place, and doing all sorts of crazy moves that Shaun T is excited about … and now- I am, too.



When I used to crave a certain type of food, I would immediately google the restaurants in the area (or head directly to an old favorite).  I still have fond memories of eating at Chi-Chis (yes, I am going to own up to that, even after the green onion debacle).  A little part of my heart broke when it went out of business,  because when it comes to Mexi-American food (I’ve gotta be real and admit that we Americanize all cuisines … just like they do to ours in foreign countries! Micky D’s in London, anyone? No thank you!), it was my favorite.

I’m gonna guess that you’ve picked up on my recent longing for Mexican.

So, the thing is, I love Mexican food.  Even though I don’t love spicy food, I love the cheesy, carbohydrate-laden cuisine that wraps delicious amalgamations of ingredients (no need to be specific! just enjoy!) in a fluffy flour tortilla.  Mmmmm.

When I was younger, I’m pretty sure I had fajita night for my birthday five years in a row (this followed my lasagna obsession and my roast chicken obsession ….fun fact: neither of which I have ever cooked).

My dad’s mom lived with us for most of my life, and she would ask every year what my brother and I wanted for our birthday dinners.  One year, she made my father lobster tails with drawn butter ~ another year Delmonico steaks au poivre.  My grandmother was an amazing cook.  She made everything, and she made the most delicious, succulent, flavorful version of it you’d ever had.  A lot of my interest in cooking now comes from the deep sense of missing her I feel on a daily basis.

But … this isn’t a sad post!  It’s about my triumphant meander down Mexican Cuisine Lane.  I masterfully suggested making enchiladas to new mama & papa J&J for WeHangsDay.  And so this evening, I set to work and made a version of Rachael Ray’s Homemade Chicken Enchiladas.

It was a big hit.  Both J&J had thirds. (And me, too!) Yes, thirds.  That’s what comes after seconds.  Hehe!

What you need:

6 Flour tortillas

2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (on the large side if possible)

3 cups chicken bouillon

1 24oz jar of Tomato Sauce (I used a Tomato Basil flavor and it was yummers)

1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

1/2 tsp cinnamon

2 tsp chili powder (used separately in 1 tsp increments)

2 tbsp tomato paste

1 bag (approx 2 cups) shredded cheddar cheese


What to do:

1.  In a medium skillet over high heat, bring bouillon to a bubble.  Add chicken breasts, bring back to a bubble, cover and lower to medium heat.  Allow chicken to poach (approximately 10 minutes).  When cooked, remove chicken and allow to cool; preserve boullion.

2.  While the chicken is poaching, combine the tomato sauce, 1 tsp chili powder, cinnamon and cayenne pepper in saucepan over medium heat.  Bring to simmer and then reduce to low heat.  Keep warm.

3.  Shred cooled chicken with two forks or fingers. (I thought fingers would be easier, but what do I know? Turns out shredding semi-hot chicken is much easier when done wielding forks).

4.  In a bowl, combine shredded chicken, 1 cup boullion, 1 tsp chili powder and tomato paste.  Season with salt and pepper.

5.  Pour half of the enchilada sauce into a casserole dish.  Lay out tortillas and evenly distribute chicken mixture.  Roll carefully, and place in casserole dish.  Pour the remainder of the enchilada sauce on top.  Add all the cheese on the very top, and put in over under the broiler for 5-8 minutes, or until the level of cheesy melted-ness meets your approval.


Oy.  I thought I would have some to take for lunch tomorrow, but nope.  We practically licked the dish clean.  The cinnamon adds a depth to the flavors, and is a great compliment to the cayenne pepper.  Soooooo good.  As the new dad said ~ “Gwyn, you can make this any time. ” Pause.  “No.  Seriously.”


by request

A few weeks ago, I off-handedly mentioned that I might bring extra baked goods in when I go on a baking bender, because having them at home is dangerous for a girl who is trying to watch her weight.

Today, I was totally called out.

I brought in some pumpkin muffins last week, but most of the baked goods journeyed west with the man and his pops.  So when this was brought to my attention today, I asked what would be appreciated.

The first choice was chocolate chip cookies.  But I wanted to make something a little different.  So I combined the healthy information I received in one of my daily email newsletters (eight foods you should eat everyday, which included oatmeal) and I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

It might sound odd, but after acquiring mums for the front step (delightful off-white and decadent maroon courtesy of my lovely mum), and new delicious Glade Apple & Cinnamon candles (my absolute favorite), the smell of oatmeal and cinnamon and apple make fall feel completely official.

Join in the fun and enjoy some almost healthy (haha! it’s just the oatmeal!) Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies.

What you need:

1/2 cup (1 stick) + 6 tablespoons butter, softened

1/2 cup sugar

3/4 cup brown sugar (firmly packed)

2 eggs

1 tsp vanilla

1 1/2 cups flour

1 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

1 1/2 tsp cinnamon (optional ~ and this time, I opted IN!)

3 cups old-fashioned oats

1 cup chocolate chips (I used the mini kind, because that’s what I had in the house!)

What to do:

Preheat oven to 350.

1.  Beat butter, sugar and brown sugar together until smooth and creamy. (I did this by hand, but recipe I used implied that you should use a mixer on medium speed).

2.  Add eggs and vanilla and mix until well combined.

3.  In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon.  Once combined, add to the butter mixture and mix well.

4.  Stir in oats and chocolate chips.

5.  Using a small spoon, scoop dough onto cookie sheet (I fit twelve on a sheet).  Press the center of the ball with the back of the spoon to flatten it and give it shape.

6.  Bake for approximately 10 minutes.  The edges will be browning, although the center may look as though it’s not finished yet.  Remove from oven and leave on cookie sheet for about a minute (the cookies are still cooking!).  After a minute, move onto cooling rack.  If you’re nervous, poke the cookies with a toothpick ~ I like my cookies to be soft, so I just took the plunge and pulled them when the edges got brown.

Enjoy with a big glass of milk!

just a little manic!

With the man away, this little cat has the opportunity to play … unfortunately, she’d rather sleep!  This morning I slept in a little (’til the sun was up!) but it meant a later night at work, and here I am, half past ten, just finished with Insanity Day #2, and still no cooking done (or even dinner made!).

On that note, I also realized today that I never added the recipes for Pumpkin Roll and Kale Chips (shame on me!).  So, since I’m probably not going to whip up anything inspirational before crashing on the couch and catching up with Pan Am while color-coding my October calendar, here they are!

Kale Chips:

1 bag kale (washed and dried)

1 tbsp EVOO

Ground Sea Salt to taste

What to do:

1.  Discard all stems and unappealing bits of kale.  Rip leaves into bite size pieces.

2.  Toss kale with EVOO, and season with salt to taste.

3.  Lay kale on cookie sheet and bake 5-8 minutes at 350. (You’ll hear it start to sizzle ~ when the edges are crispy, the chips are probably done ~ it’s all about the timing, so you definitely have to keep an eye out!)


Pumpkin Roll: (** This recipe comes courtesy of some of my college roommates ~ I also have not yet tried it, but the man and his pops said it was a winner!)

What you need (for the roll!):

3 eggs

1 c sugar

2/3 c pumpkin puree

1 tsp lemon juice

3/4 c flour

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

2 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp ginger

1 cup pecans

Confection sugar for dusting

2 clean dish clothes

What you need (for the frosting!):

8 oz cream cheese

4 tbsp butter

1 c confectioner’s sugar

1/2 tsp vanilla

What to do:

Preheat oven to 350.

1.  Grease & flour a 10 x 15 jelly roll (I used at 10 x 15 cookie sheet with sides ~ perhaps this is a jelly roll … I had never heard of one prior to this recipe).

2. In a large bowl, beat eggs and mix with sugar for 5 minutes.  Gradually add pumpkin and lemon juice.

3.  Combine dry ingredients in separate bowl.  Mix well, and gradually blend into large bowl with pumpkin mixture.

4.  Spread batter evenly into the pan.  Sprinkle with chopped pecans. (Minda toasts hers until fragrant … this lady just added them raw!).

5.  Bake for 10-15 minutes (or until the center is springy when pressed).  Loosen edges with knife and turn onto dish towel dusted with confectioner’s sugar.  Lay second towel on top, and roll cake using towels while still warm.  Allow to cool for about 20 minutes.

Meanwhile…. !!

1. In a medium bowl, combine frosting ingredients and beat together until smooth. (*** Little hint ~ pull your butter and cream cheese out of the fridge and allow to come to room temp while you put together the roll ingredients.  It makes combining them during this step so.much.easier. )

2. Unroll cake, spread with frosting, and re-roll.  Place on waxed paper (or, as I did, in Saran Wrap), dust with more sugar, twist ends and tuck under.

3.  Refrigerate overnight.  Slice and serve chilled.


I woke up snuggled in bed, a distinct chill in the air, and I was both excited about the fall, and all the wonderful things it holds, but also mournful of the season that has passed ~ cold drinks on the patio, the warm heat of the sun, sweet corn, heirloom tomatoes, barbeques …. Ah well.  Adieu ’til next year!

Despite wanting to have a low key weekend (I think of it as a battery recharge for the five days of work that wear me out completely) this one seemed to be jam-packed with things to do.  Today, after a yum breakfast courtesy of my lovely Mama, we went over to the storage unit to assess the workload necessary to clear it out of extraneous… stuff (I’ll refrain from saying ‘junk’ because it probably isn’t junk … but it has been in storage for years, so I don’t think one could call it necessary).  It’s amazing the amount of stuff I thought I’d lost, but it has been sealed up in boxes instead!  Very exciting stuff ~ and probably a lot of work for an upcoming weekend.

Then, I watched the Steelers’ painful loss to the Texans with my father.  No matter how much I try to be calm and collected, watching them this season (and with total honesty, the end of last season) is absolutely gut-wrenching.  Where is the fire?  And ~ say it with me Steeler Nation ~ where is our Offensive Line?  Ugh.  Not to mention the salt in the wound reading the news ribbon the rest of the day stating that Ben boarded the plane on crutches and a boot on his foot.  For me, being a fan is deep-seeded.  The Steelers are part of who I am.  No matter what happens this season, or any other, I will always love them beyond what is considered normal.  I have to have faith that they will figure this out and triumph as well.  But I’d like to think it won’t take until we’re 7-5 to find the fire.

Today also launched my third go-round with Shaun T and Insanity.  For some reason, those work outs work better for me than anything else.  I’m disciplined about it, and I find it challenging, so I keep up on it.  I was thrilled beyond belief that Workout #1 (Plyometric Cardio Circuit) was challenging, but not impossible (as it was the first and second time).  Yippee!!  I still think the man is crazy, but clearly, also very motivating.

On the food front, the peach cobbler has remained illusive thus far, but fingers crossed, it’s baking away happily tomorrow night.  Monday is coming again …. and this girl must get some shut eye before the rat race begins.

happy birthday!

Welcome to the world Parker Olivia – we have all been anxiously awaiting your arrival & you did not disappoint. You are breath-takingly gorgeous and I know you will be spoiled rotten by all who love you.

Me included.

Love, Auntie Gwyn